James MALOY © The Standard-Sentinel February 6, 1919 Submitted by: Wanda Elliott
James (Jimmy)MALOY was born in Madison County, Arkansas, July 5, 1890, and breathed his last at his own home, January 29, 1919. He was 28 years, 6 mo. and 24 days of age, he moved to Oklahoma in company with his parents while but a boy.
He has lived in this western country for nearly 20 years, the last 7 years was spent in the vicinity of Bunch.
His father and two sisters outstripped him and have gone on to their reward.
There are three brothers and two sisters, with an aged mother and a host of other friends to mourn his loss.
He was always very kind of disposition, and made many friends wherever he went.
He has been the only support of the home for over two years. He was very thoughtful of the wishes of his aged mother. The funeral was held at the Red Cross rooms in Bunch and interment was made in the cemetery near by. Rev. O.S. SNELL
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