Oklahoma Cemeteries Website
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For any questions pertaining to an individual cemetery, you would need to contact the cemetery sexton / board / caretaker.

Roger Mills County, Oklahoma

Welcome, I am Jeff Smith, the Area Coordinator for Roger Mills County, Oklahoma.
If you have information on cemeteries, obituaries, funeral home records, memorial cards or photos that you would like to add to this website, please see our How to Submit Information Page.
Volunteer photographers needed to take tombstone photos at all of the cemeteries. If you can help us with this project, please e-mail area coordinator.

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Miscellaneous Obits for Oklahoma
BarkerHammon, OK 
Berlin  aka Yankee Front Berlin, OK 
Center Chapel  
Chapel Hill  aka Sanka-Miller  
Cheyenne A - F | G - L | M - R | S - Z Cheyenne, OK 
DempseyGrimes, OK 
Dewey  aka Quartermaster and Texmo Strong City, OK 
Fairview  aka Durham Durham, OK 
FinleyReydon, OK 
KiowaHammon, OKSubmitted & © by: Leila Evett
Kiowa Cemetery Veteran Burials Submitted by: Leila Evett
Lone Star  aka Archer  
Augusta Metcalfe FarmDurham, OK Sub by Karen Harman
Mulberry  aka Sweetwater  
Pie Flat  
Red Hill  aka Hammon Hammon, OK 
Red Star  
Roger Mills County Cemetery ListList of Cemeteries
In Roger Mills County
Submitted by: Tammie Chada
Roger Mills County Funeral HomesListingSubmitted by: Tammie Chada
Roger Mills Obit IndexThese are obits for Roger Mills county that doesn't list a cemetery
but does have an Roger Mills County connection. Need Portraits and/or bios
Submitted by:
Wanda Purcell
& Others
Rome or Rhome  
Rose Hill  
Silent Home  aka Crawford, Dickason and Roll Roll, OKVarious Submitters
Snakey Bend aka Custer Bend Strong City, OK 
Strong City  
Sunrise  aka Pleasant View and Wilson  
Union Chapel  aka Insulin © Charlotte Nance
WagonerStrong City, OK 
White Rose  aka Rankin and Reydon City Reydon, OK 



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© 2000-2025 Oklahoma Cemeteries

The information on this site is provided free for the purpose of researching your genealogy. This material may be freely used by non-commercial entities, for your own research, as long as this message remains on all copied material. The information contained in this site may not be copied to any other site without written "snail-mail" permission. If you wish to have a copy of a donor's material, you must have their permission. All information found on these pages is under copyright of Oklahoma Cemeteries. This is to protect any and all information donated. The original submitter or source of the information will retain their copyright. Unless otherwise stated, any donated material is given to Oklahoma Cemeteries to make it available online. This material will always be available at no cost, it will always remain free to the researcher.