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Lacey Cemetery
Lacey, Kingfisher County, Oklahoma
gate photo
 © by Guy Bowen
Transcribed & © by: Robert Farrar
Photographed by Donna Crawford
If you have family buried in this Cemetery and have obits (with newspapers permission or an obit that you can write) or tombstone photos or individual portraits or can write a short bio or have a history of the cemetery and would like to add your information to this website, contact the area coordinator for more information. You can also check out our How to Submit page.
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Note: Every effort has been made to transcribe this information accurately. These records MAY CONTAIN ERRORS. Any corrections and/or additions greatly appreciated. As with any genealogy information, this is a source and should be considered as such. It is up to the researcher to verify the accuracy.






Ackley Nellie Kathryn 1904 5/26/1909 photo
Allen Amelia Ann Tapscott Apr 1864 2/23/1911  
Baker Baby 3/8/1928  3/8/1928 photo
Barker Mary Bell McGinnis 9/7/1867 8/6/1933 D of Samuel & Catherine McGinnis   photo
W of Luke L Barker
Bowles Daisy Belle Turner 1/3/1881 10/13/1911 W of John K photo
Bowles Infant     S of Arthur & Mabel
Bowles John Andrew 7/26/1841 12/29/1920 Wed Mary 10/20/1864 photo
Bowles John K 9/23/1876 10/5/1961 H of Daisy  photo
Bowles Mabel G Aged 20y 2m 16d 8/4/1903 W of Arthur Bowles
Bowles Mary Elizabeth Hall 1/17/1846 2/18/1917 Wed John A 10/20/1964 photo
Isaac Age 66y 1/9/1903 photo & Obit
Co I 13th MI Inf
Clubb Maude Gertrude Patten (Seebold) (Nevins) 7/8/1881 11/6/1955 W of John  Seebold
W of  Lewis Nevins
W of John Clubb   photo
Claude A
8/22/1893 5/8/1943 OK Cpl 134thInf 34thDiv
Davis O Scott 1858 1899 photo
Ely Darius Franklin 5/11/1832 12/3/1904 photo
Farnsworth Galen Lewis 10/12/1878 11/29/1897 S of D. C. & F. F. photo
Farnsworth Logan W 6/27/1895 9/26/1895 S of D. C. & F. F.  photo
Fornash Benjamin F "Frank" 1851 2/8/1917 photo
Glaeslin Dora McGinnis (Fornash) 1/18/1867 12/20/1920 W of Benjamin Fornash
Wed John Glaeslin 8/26/1918 obit    photo
Hall Achsah Ely 9/17/1820 2/3/1909 photo
Harkness Frances Sennia Brown 12/31/1888 6/30/1906 photo
Holston Mary Ellen Hoyle (Bland) 8/25/1840 10/26/1900 W of John Bland
W of Wesley Holston
Kinnett Vayne 12/25/1926 5/9/1928 S of Vayne & Nina    photo
Lowe Homer W Age 1y 28d  6/10/1897 S of J W & Lillian  photo
Lowe J W 7/1/1860 3/29/1917 H of Lillian     photo
Lowe Lillian May 5/27/1872 11/8/1967 W of J W   photo
McGinnis Catherine Elizabeth Lowman 2/18/1839 12/10/1905 W of Samuel
obit       photo
McGinnis Claudy 6/21/1898 6/12/1900 S of John & Vie   photo
McGinnis Samuel H 11/9/1835 3/25/1907 H of Catherine      photo
Miller Julia A Hughes Age 30y 10m 3d 1/1/1899 W of G. W. Miller
D of S & M E Hughes
Partridge E M 6/29/1833 1/21/1905 photo
Patten James S 4/21/1897 11/21/1910 S of John & Martha  photo
Patten John D 4/22/1849 2/17/1930 H of Martha    photo
Patten Martha L 9/20/1873 7/25/1947 W of John   photo
Patten Mary 3/10/1905  3/10/1905 D of John & Martha photo
Paulsen Elmer C 11/14/1914 1/8/1915 photo
Paulsen Infant Son 3/3/1903 3/3/1903 photo
Paulsen Mary May 12/2/1900 5/29/1902 photo
Refugio Israel R O 7/6/1982 7/8/1982 photo
Renshaw Benjamin 1860 1923 H of Mary  photo
Renshaw Fairazina 12/4/1893 3/31/1915 photo
Renshaw Hazel 1/16/1892 9/1/1911 photo
Renshaw Mary 1866 1923 W of Benjamin   photo
Rose Ellen Maud McCarty 7/3/1869 1/21/1912 Wed William 8/9/1889
Rose Harriett Renshaw 2/17/1845 3/17/1938 W of Sheridan  photo
Sheridan G 5/13/1841 8/10/1923 H of Harriett photo
Cpl Co F 5th Iowa Inf
Rose William H Aug 1866   Wed Ellen 8/9/1889
Seebold Gury J 12/10/1907 12/23/1910 photo
Seebold Harly E 1/3/1897 2/20/1898 S of Henry & Laura  photo
Seebold Henry J 9/1/1858 2/22/1905 H of Laura  photo
Seebold John G 7/4/1864 5/15/1907 H of Maud Patten  photo
Seebold Laura E McGinnis 9/27/1859 5/3/1935 W of Henry  photo
Stites Mary A Boowles 12/1/1902 2/4/1979 Wed Winford 11/26/1924
Stites Ola Kathleen 12/17/1925 1/7/1928 photo
Stites Winford Ernest 5/14/1903 12/7/1974 Wed Mary 11/26/1924 photo
Stokes Emery C 3/9/1889 4/22/1891 S of Robert & Jennie photo
Stokes Jennie P 1861 1953 W of Robert   photo
Stokes Robert E 10/30/1851 2/22/1914 H of Jennie   photo
Sturgeon Maude I 3/13/1894 2/7/1956 W of Orval  photo
Sturgeon Orval L 7/29/1890 4/3/1937 H of Maude  photo
Suit Charles C 9/19/1899 10/15/1901 S of Clint & Ora   photo
Suit Clint M 4/10/1864 9/26/1911 H of Ora      photo
Suit Ora F Bowles 11/29/1868 1/12/1946 W of Clint  photo
Tenney Arthur Boutelle 8/26/1892 Dec 1986  Married 53 Years
Tenney Edith Seebold 9/20/1900 9/12/1972 Married 53 Years
W of Arthur   photo
Turner Florence A 2/28/1858 9/2/1900 W of Eld. R. W. Turner
Walker Elizabeth "Lizzie" Wolcott 9/19/1861 9/16/1919 W of William  photo & Obit
Walker Thad Keith 7/20/1978 8/3/2008 photo
Walker William 12/30/1844 11/10/1926 H of Elizabeth    photo & Obit
Ward Benjamin Feb 1886 2/24/1922  
Ward Freddie 4/5/1896 9/21/1912 S of J. P. & O. S.
Ward Ida M 1867 1943 W of John  photo
Ward John A 4/7/1878 5/29/1963 H of Ida  photo
Ward Mary Lee 1926 4/5/1926 D of H E
Ward Olive Sarah Wolcott Jan 1854 8/15/1925  
Wiley Robert Collier 2/3/1906 4/8/1906 S of Robert & Hulda
Wiley Theodore Lee 2/3/1906 9/23/1906 S of Robert & Hulda

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