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Verden Cemetery
Grady County, Oklahoma

© Cheryl Travis
© Ed Stewart

Thomas Shiner Worley

Verden Cemetery
Grady County, Oklahoma

Submitted by: Sandi Carter

© The Verden News
Verden, Oklahoma
25 June 1908

Etha "Effie" [Lane] Worley


Died, at her home, Mrs. Etha Worley, aged twenty-four years, after an illness of two weeks with typhoid fever, on Sunday morning at four o'clock.

Seldom has it been our duty to record so unexpected a death. A dark gloom spread over the whole community when it was whispered from one to another Sabbath morning that "Etha was gone!"

She was of an affectionate disposition, bright and winning in her way; so that friendship's circle was to her a large one.

Only a year ago last October she was married to J. B. Worley of this place; who she leaves to mourn her departure. Here she grew into beautiful womanhood; here she married and helped to establish a home of her own; here her busy Christian life was spent, her battles fought, her faithful service rendered to her God and the world. In this dearest of all places to her, she lies down at length to sleep and rest. Beautifully appropriate such a resting place, where a large number of her dearest friends remain to gather about the dear form with honest tears of bereavement, to lay her away tenderly in the narrow house with its curtains of fadeless green.

To her the struggle and burden bearing of earth are ended, and we confidently trust that like one who awakes from a trouble[d] dream she has awakened to see life's endless morning break and knows herself at home with all the vast throng of righteous ones, missed from earth, safe about her. She was a member of the M. E. church and was a valued leader in the church circle. Her affection for kindred and friends was ever tender and abiding. Among us all she ranked always as a woman of culture, refinement and sympathy, a devoted wife, a loving daughter, a true friend, and with all a woman of heroic mould in bravely meeting the stern requirements and often the disappointments of life. She is gone from our sight; but because life and love are stronger than death, she is still ours. She is still the daughter of her sorrowing parents, upon whom she doted with such clinging fondness, and still the companion of him who mourn's earth's greatest loss, and may she not by this very transition wield over them a stronger force for goodness and truth than before.

Funeral services were conducted on Monday at two o'clock at the church by Rev. Snodgrass, after which a large concourse of sorrowing friends followed the remains to our Silent City on the hill.

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