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Edward Banjamin Tibbetts
© Tammie Chada


Grady County, Oklahoma

Submitted by:
Sandi Carter

© The Verden News
8 December 1911

Edward Banjamin Tibbetts


Another Old Soldier Dropped from the Ranks

For the third time in less than a year death has visited the Tibbetts home. On December 1, 1910, J. B., the son and brother was called, on Easter Sunday the mother entered up on her long rest, and now the father, who was stricken by paralysis November 19, died on November 25, the funeral services were held Sunday, November 26, at the home and was attended by a large concourse of neighbors and friends.

The service was conducted by the Rev. Hershey of the M. E. church of Dutton. Mr. Tibbetts was laid to rest by the side of his wife and son in the beautiful cemetery at Verden.

Two sons, George and Rosco, and two daughters, Mrs. G. S. Brock and Mrs. Will Downey all of Caddo county, Okla., survive to mourn his loss.

Edward Benjamin Tibbetts was born in Manchester, Dearborne county, Indiana in 1838. In 1861, he enlisted in the 26th Indiana Company E, and served three years in the Civil war, he was mustered out in 1864. Later he was married to Annie E. Williams at Olathe, Johnson county, Kansas, to the union five children were born four of whom are living.

In 1901 Mr. Tibbetts drew his present home in Caddo county, has resided here ever since. Mr. Tibbetts was a man of strong character, a good father and neighbor and a highly respected citizen.

The bereaved family have the sympathy of the entire community.

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