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Bessie [Smith] Strebar
© Tammie Chada


Grady County, Oklahoma

Submitted by:
Sandi Carter

© The Verden News
7 May 1908

Bessie [Smith] Strebar


The wife of Harry Strebar, oldest daughter of Mrs. J. S. Smith passed peacefully away on the beautiful Sabbath of May 3rd, 1908, at 2 p.m., and was laid away Monday May 4th, 1908, in the Silent City south of Verden.

Bessie was eighteen years of age; she was united in marriage to Harry Strebar December 26, 1906. How fast the sickle of death swayed by the Angel of God lays low all our hopes and ambition. It seems such a short time since the glow of health was in the cheek and the fire of youth and happiness was in the eye of our loved one, that we could not realize, as we stood beside the casket that contained all that was mortal of our beloved friend and gazed down on the marble brow, and silent lips, who always met us with cheerful words and smiling countenance.

It seems but natural, the withered rose should be plucked and the unopened bud snatched to open and spread its fragrance in a fairer clime. But Oh, why should a flower just in its full blush be taken away never to return when there was so much to be cheered and made happy by its presence.

If we can feel such sorrow at the thought of consigning forever to the cold dark grave this dear friend, Oh! what must be the unspeakable anguish of husband, father, mother, brother and sister. Were it not for the sustaining hand of an invisible power who hath declared, "Sufficient unto the day is the strength thereof." They could have never returned to their homes and looked on that silent chair realizing for the first time that she who sat there will be with them no more. She is gone forever, the music of her voice and the sound of her foot-fall, will be heard in the old home no more. Sorry and silence will reign where mirth and music were want to be made. Gloom and sorrow mantles each brow, and tears of bitter grief moisten each cheek that was so lately wreathed in smiles, but weep not dear ones.

She is not dead, the friend of our affections, but gone unto that school, where she no longer needs our poor protection, where God himself does rule.

She faded from our home life
The light faces from the sky,
She shineth now in splendor
In her father's house on high.

Not dead, but waiting only
Till her earth born friend's shall come
To live with her forever
In her heavenly Father's home.

Yes, Bessie, who waited for us here
Wearing a smile so sweet,
Now waits on the hills of Paradise
For the coming of our feet.

George and Fdala

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