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Homer Sigmon
© Tammie Chada


Grady County, Oklahoma

Submitted by:
Sandi Carter

© The Verden News
27 January 1922

Homer Sigmon


Homer Sigmon was born in Grady county Oklahoma August 9, 1902. Died at the home of his parents one mile north of Verden January 24, 1922, age 19 years, 5 months and 19 days.

He was the son of Samuel G. and Lula Sigmon and in addition to his parents he leaves to mourn his departure, two sisters, Mrs. Pearl Longnecker, who also makes her home with her parents since the death of her husband a few years ago, Mrs. Maud Frick of Verden and a host of relatives and friends. A few days prior to his death he had the misfortune to accidentally shoot himself through the heel of his foot, from which complications set in, resulting in his death.

Homer was just entering young manhood and among those of his age he enjoyed the confidence and respect of a host of friends, he was at all times a faithful and obedient son and the seat around the family altar thus made vacant can never be filled. No one can explain why a young man of his age should be called. He was sorely needed here. He was the light of the eyes of his parents and the light has now gone out. To them he was as the sunshine is to the world and this eclipse to them brings both darkness and chill.

The funeral services were held at the Baptist church Wednesday afternoon at 8:00 o'clock, Rev. Taylor officiating. Songs were touchingly rendered by a selected choir, many beautiful flowers covered the casket that held the remains of this precious boy. So large was the attendance that the large church building was not able to hold them, all business houses were closed from 8 to 4 p. m.

Internment was made in our silent city of the dead, his body being followed whither by a large host of sorrowing friends. May time bring its resignation and may the shores of eternity that receives his soul, surround it with everlasting sunshine.

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