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Julia [Jones] Keotah
© Tammie Chada


Grady County, Oklahoma

Submitted by:
Sandi Carter

© The Verden News
May 23, 1919

Julia [Jones] Keotah

Died at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Jones east of town, on Thursday morning, May 15, 1919.

Julia, wife of Perry Keotah, age 18 years, 3 months and five days. All the care and love that skilled physicians and an anxious household could devise and apply for her comfort and assistance were brought into play, but the fiat of Him who rules our incomings and outgoings had been issued, and after a brief struggle, despite the entreaties of all who knew and loved her, their appeals were overruled, and before that beautiful morning of May was kissed by the rising sun, the sufferer's spirit took its flight to that home the Christians believe is the fulfillment of the life everlasting.

She ran the journey of life in eighteen years. It is a path marked with deeds of kindness and cheer. Flowers, not thorns, sunshine, not shadow, did she scatter everywhere. With these she was lavish. Truth was the inspiration of her life, and by her kindness she exemplified its great worth. Was not her life full of Godliness?

And there was a reason for this. When the bud of childhood was blossoming into the blush of refined womanhood, she has sought the Pearl of Great Price, and made it chief among the Jewels of her youthful hopes. The intervening years have been full of consistent plan and wise action.

This was the foundation of the maturity of her character. For upon the white canvas of her life she drew no uncertain lines, which needed to be erased. Therefore we mourn, but not without hope. Through the gloom there comes back a bright beam of sunshine which turns our tears to jewels of promise. Through the mist that gathers we hear the tumult and the roar of Niagra, but her God has set the bow of promise. He leaves us not alone in the presence of the unknown. For the Sabbaths of earth she now enjoys the never ending Sabbath of heaven.

The last services where held in the Methodist church at 3 o'clock Sunday afternoon, Rev. Fait officiating.

Songs were touchingly rendered by the choir, the flowers were many and beautiful, but not more beautiful than the face that rested so peacefully among them. Beautiful in life, beautiful in death but far more beautiful in the glorious resurrection morning. Flowers seem to be the best emblem we have to express our love, for we wreath them around the cradle, the marriage alter and the tomb. Thus would we leave her, as sweetly reposing among the beautiful and fragrant flowers.

"Fare thee well, oh thou to memory dear:
Dust to dust, and lulled to slumbers sweet;
Sleep on forever, in prison drear -
But in realms on high shall our spirits meet."

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