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Kester Clyde Kelin
© Tammie Chada


Grady County, Oklahoma

Submitted by:
Sandi Carter

© The Verden News
8 June 1927

Kester Clyde Kelin

Clyde Kelin, who was living with his parents seven miles south of Verden, was kicked by a mule Sunday evening when turning the animal out of the barn. He was rushed to the Chickasha hospital but medical aid could not save him, passing away Tuesday night.

The deceased was brought here for burial Wednesday. Rev. Harmon of Anadarko preached the funeral service at the Baptist church Wednesday at 3:00 p. m.

The I. O. O. F. lodge had charge of the service at the cemetery.

Clyde was a young man of about twenty three years, he formerly operated the Marlin Filling Station here, and was known as an honest, uprights young progressive citizen. He won many friends while here in business who mourn his departure.

25 Dec 1902 ~ 31 May 1927

© The Verden News
10 June 1927

Kester Clyde Kelin

Kester Clyde Kelin was born in Caddo county 3 1/2 miles north and 1 mile west of Verden, December 25, 1902, the eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Kelin [and] was called away Tuesday morning May 31, 1927, age 24 years, five months and six days.

Clyde, as he was known to his many friends, grew to manhood in this vicinity; grew up to be an honest, upright, kind, loving son, brother and neighbor. Hard working and energetic, thinking of others, more than self, even making it a habit to be home Sunday evenings to help with the chores, which is surely a very commendable trait in any young man.

He was a graduate from the Verden high school in the class of 1923. Then attending school from home 7 1/2 miles away, he was a good student and loved his school work, going through all kinds of weather sometime on horse back and sometimes a foot. This being before consolidation of the rural districts with Verden.

At times he assisted his brother Lester in the filling station at Verden and was always very courteous and accomodating to old and young alike, ever ready to serve his patrons efficiently. Clyde was a member in good standing in the I. O. O. F. lodge of Verden, and as such believed in a supreme intelligent rule of the universe.

He leaves a father, mother, one sister, Mrs. Ted Gatewood of Anadarko, three brothers, Lester, Roy and Delbert and a host of relatives and friends. The large number attending the funeral service conducted at the Baptist church in Verden, by Rev. P. F. Harman of Anadarko, assisted by the regular pastor, Rev. Taylor and Rev. Brogan of the Methodist church, Wednesday, June 1st, only silence told of the respect and love of his many friends. The active pallbearers were: Jess Talkington, Willie Novy, Norman Talkington, Pat Henry, Andy Dodson and John Maupin, all young men of the order to which he belonged. The flowers which were only mute expression of sympathy were beautiful and many. The bereaved family have the sympathy of their many friends in this hour of sorrow.

Submitted by Sandi Carter - 5th cousin twice removed of John Clyde Maupin

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