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Verden Cemetery
Grady County, Oklahoma

Submitted by: Mary Achterhof

© Chickasha Star
Chickasha, Oklahoma
Friday, May 2, 1919

Mrs J. L. Bryan
1888 ~ April 28, 1919

Mrs J. L. Bryan Found Dead Near Home

The community was shocked Saturday morning of last week when it was found that Mrs J. L. Bryan, wife of local oil man had wandered away from her home in the night and about nine o'clock that morning was found dead in an alley at the rear of a store about five blocks from her home.

Mrs Bryan had been in poor health all winter and just before Christmas suffered a severe attack of the "Flu." She was taken to Guthrie for treatment by Dr Duke and remained there until Easter Sunday when she was brought home by her husband, apparently in good health.

Friday night she must have become despondent and without the knowledge of the family rose and dressed and wandered outside where the exposure due from the rain caused her death.

He husband had been called to Tulsa on business on Friday and was not at home at the time.

Her small daughter remembers that sometime in the night her mother rose from the bed where they were sleeping and turned on the light and looked at her little girl. The child, thinking nothing was wrong, dropped off to sleep again, but it was probably about that time that the mother was leaving.

The funeral services were held Monday afternoon at the family residence.

Beside her husband and a son and daughter, Mrs Bryan is survived by two sisters, Mrs B. E. Parmenter of Wichita, Kansas, and Mrs Elsie Dinaldson of Tulsa.

Other relatives here for the funeral were Mrs C. A. Baird, a cousin, and W. N. Bryan and D. T. Bryan, both of Texas, brothers of Mr Bryan.

Mrs Bryan was only thirty one years of age and while she had lived in Chickasha only a few years she had won for herself many friends because of her sweet character and winning personality, all of whom extend sympathy to her bereaved family in their sorrow.

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