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Verden Cemetery

Verden, Oklahoma

© Vanita White Hazelrigg

George Sanderson Brock

Verden Cemetery
Grady County, Oklahoma

Submitted by: Sandi Carter

© The Verden News
Verden, Oklahoma
July 19, 1912

George Sanderson Brock
October 31, 1856 ~ July 9, 1912

George Sanderson Brock, son of John W. and Christine Engle Brock, was born at Table Grove, Fulton county, Illinois, in 1857, died at his home ten miles north of Verden, Wednesday, July 10th. In his boyhood he moved to Osage county, Kansas, with his parents, and as a young pioneer he tasted of the privations and ups and downs of early Kansas.

In early manhood he became a student of Law with the Hon. E. G. Russel at Burlingame, Kansas. Mr. Russel spoke very flatteringly of his pupil's advancement, but poor health compelled Mr. Brock to give up his chosen profession.

Later he became a salesman for the Star Nursery company of Ottawa, Kansas, and remained in that capacity for several years.

In 1901 he was married to Miss Sara Adel Tibbetts, then a teacher in the Johnson county schools, who with their three children, Dorothy, Engle and Kathrine survive him.

In the spring of 1908 he came to Oklahoma and engaged in farming. Last year he spent in Colorado returning in November. Last spring Mr. Brock complained of feeling unwell and steadily grew worse and the doctor pronounced his case cancer of the stomach. About two weeks ago he became bedfast; he professed faith in Christ and said that he was not afraid to die.

The end came Wednesday morning at seven o'clock and his remains laid to rest, Thursday, in the Verden cemetery. The funeral services were held at the house and conducted by Rev. Hershey of Dutton.

Besides his immediate family here he leaves an aged father and mother, two brothers and four sisters, none of whom was present except Mrs. F. G. Tibbets. Mr. Brock was of a quiet, reserved nature, cultivating few intimacies and he was much respected among his neighbors.

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