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Old Berwyn Cemetery
aka Dillon Cemetery

Gene Autry, Carter County, Oklahoma

© by: Bill Hamm & Area Coordinators
OLD BERWYN CEMETERY was the old cemetery for Gene Autry. Was also known as the DILLON CEMETERY, but now is abandoned. The location is north of Gene Autry in Range 2E, Township 3S, Section 13.
If you have family buried in this cemetery and would like to add their information, an obit, tombstone photo, funeral home record or memorial card to this website, please send the area coordinator an e-mail.






ANDREW Sallie Ann Wells 7 MAR 1843 6 JUN 1927  
CASON EDWARD M 10 OCT 1866 5 NOV 1953  
CASON Oliver Jean 25 FEB 1894 9 MAR 1902 S of Edward 
COWAN JAMES C 4 JAN 1890 13 AUG 1918  
COWAN MARY B 4 NOV 1869 20 AUG 1901 W of Samuel 
COWAN SAMUEL HENRY 12 OCT 1867 2 FEB 1951 H of Mary 
DILLON DARCY 10 FEB 1902 14 MAY 1937  
DILLON JAMES P 23 AUG 1842 21 DEC 1925  
DILLON Susan Vilna "Susie" Andrew 13 DEC 1869 24 APR 1960 Wed William 8/9/1888 
DILLON William Cooper 29 APR 1867 15 MAY 1959 Wed Susan 8/9/1888 
GRIFFIN DANIEL N 31 JUL 1865 24 OCT 1945 H of Maud 
GRIFFIN DOUGLAS N 9 MAR 1901 3 AUG 1903 S of Daniel & Maud 
GRIFFIN Maud Catherine Weaver 18 SEP 1871 2 DEC 1956 W of Daniel 
MOORE LILLY D 1875  24 NOV 1900  
PADGETT JAMES CLAUDIE 24 FEB 1900 3 MAY 1902 S of J M & E D 
Stewart Lillie Maurine   Dec 1966  
Sullivant Francis "Frank" 1852    
TAYLOR Ida Ophelia Johnson 24 MAY 1883 3 MAY 1902  
WEAVER GUS 29 JAN 1880 31 MAR 1955  
WEAVER ODELL PAULINE 1910 1911 D of Odie & Billie 
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