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Holcomb-Cook Cemetery
Blaine County, Oklahoma
Cemetery Pic
© Robert Nusz

Submitted & © by Robert Nusz Various Submitters

Holcomb-Cook Cemetery is located five and one-have miles east and one mile south of Okeene, Blaine County, Cimarron Township, Oklahoma. By GPS it can be located with latitude 360607N and longitude 981307W. When this survey was taken the cemetery was hard to locate as it is not near the roadway. It is off the road some 75 feet into a wheat field, is heavily overgrown with brush and trees. The cemetery itself is fenced and gated, but both the fencing and cemetery is in need of maintenance. There were only two stones visible and they have been so noted on this survey.
The information contained on this web page was provided by the person whose name appears with the listing, and was obtained by using one or more of the following information sources: walking the cemetery and recording the headstone information, and in many cases photographing them, talking to family members, area residents, and others that stop and talk while the cemetery is being surveyed, family bible entries, memorial cards, caretaker records, funeral home records, court house records, and newspaper archives.
If you have family buried in the Holcomb-Cook Cemetery or have obits (with newspapers permission or an obit that you can write) or tombstone photos or individual portraits or can write a short bio and would like to add your information to this website, contact the area coordinator for more information. You can also check out our How to Submit page.
NOTICE. If you submit information to this website and change your e-mail address please notify the area coordinator with the county/cemetery and new e-mail address so we can keep our pages as up to date as possible.
NOTE Every effort has been made to transcribe this information accurately. These records MAY CONTAIN ERRORS. Any corrections and/or additions greatly appreciated. As with any genealogy information, this is a source and should be considered as such. It is up to the researcher to verify the accuracy.

  COOK James T. Apr 15, 1854 Dec 18, 1912 See photo
C1 HOLCOMB Charles Feb 25, 1839 Aug 24, 1915 See photo
C1 HOLCOMB Cecilia Ellen Feb 22, 1848 Mar 24, 1924 See photo

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