Oklahoma Cemeteries Website
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Newkirk Family Cemetery
aka Clay Cemetery
Daisy, Atoka County, Oklahoma

To locate this cemetery, take Highway 69 south. Go to Stringtown, keep going straight. When you see Daisy exit, take it. It will be exit 43 east. Go straight on 43 east. Take Pittsburg exit, you will not see anything but an arrow in lights, it will be on the left. When you take that left you will see on a sign Pittsburg in white paint. It is by a stop sign. Go straight, you will come to an intersection of straight or right. Take the right, go straight, you will go over a bridge. Continue straight. You will come to a four-way intersection. On the left it will say Dead End. Go right, keep going straight, you will go through a little neighborhood. Continue straight it will lead you to a long driveway, there will be a house behind a fence, on the right there is the cemetery before the fence. The cemetery is in it's own little fenced in area.

If you have family buried in this Cemetery or can take a gate photo or have obits (with newspapers permission or an obit that you can write) or tombstone photos or individual portraits or can write a short bio or have a history of the cemetery and would like to add your information to this website, contact the area coordinator for more information. You can also check out our How to Submit page.

If you submit information to this website and change your e-mail address please notify the area coordinator with the county/cemetery and new e-mail address so we can keep our pages as up to date as possible.






Byington Minerva (Clay) Jan 11, 1893 Aug 11, 1953  
Silas Aug 24, 1887 Nov 14, 1944 WW I Vet
Clay Joe H. Dec 3, 1913 Feb 24, 1914  
Clay Walter Aug 5, 1910 Jul 24, 1916  
Impson Sophia 1898 1983  
Billy Lee "Skully" Feb 7, 1939 Apr 2, 2011 Korean Vet
Newkirk Janice Virginia (Latham) Aug 16, 1947 Sep 1, 2002  
Newkirk Joseph Albert Jul 12, 1912 Nov 27, 1985 H of Josephine
Newkirk Josephine (Clay) Aug 16, 1917 Jul30, 2009 W of Joseph
Russell Eliza Diane Jan 17, 1855 Jul 17, 1921  

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