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Bethel Cemetery
Atoka County, Oklahoma

gate photo
© Angie Jenkins Long

© Ruth Atteberry Adams & Area Coordinators
The Bethel Cemetery is located approximately 10 miles north and 8 1/2 miles west of Stringtown, Oklahoma, near the Wardville Community. It is behind an old abandoned church house, but the cemetery is well kept, and is still active.
If you have family buried in the Bethel Cemetery or have obits (with newspapers permission or an obit that you can write) or tombstone photos or individual portraits or can write a short bio or have a history of the cemetery and would like to add your information to this website, contact the area coordinator for more information. You can also check out our How to Submit page.
NOTICE. If you submit information to this website and change your e-mail address please notify the area coordinator with the county/cemetery and new e-mail address so we can keep our pages as up to date as possible.






BLOOM Minnie 1886 1911 W of A B
BOWEN Ben Lacy 8/9/1885 3/19/1988 Wed Jessie 12/30/1921
Ben Lacy II 1/10/1932 1/17/1982 Pvt US Army  Korea
Elmer Earl 4/24/1926 9/22/1989 PFC US Marine Corps
BOWEN Jessie Leoma Moore 8/13/1903 3/11/1989 Wed Ben 12/30/1921
Clotfelter Colleen "Ricky" Bowen 4/24/1923 1/1/1999 Wed George 10/17/1959
George Waymon 3/16/1916 2/21/2005 Wed Colleen 10/17/1959
CWO US Navy  WW II & Korea
Dock 11/25/1892 8/4/1975 Wed Maggie 6/9/1917
Pvt US Army
COUCH Kathryn Jean McPhetridge 8/29/1937 7/24/2021 Wed William 4/4/1958
COUCH Maggie Harbinson 12/1/1900 12/29/1983 Wed Dock 6/9/1917
COUCH William "Doc" "Bill" 5/2/1938 5/19/2009 Wed Kathryn 4/4/1958
Gallerby Willie "Will"   1913 Handmade Stone
Howard Robert William 8/31/1942 12/2/2008  
Denver Everette 10/22/1921 10/16/2005 Cpl US Army WW II
H of Ruby
Don Everette 7/18/1944 4/7/1997 Pvt US Army
Lewis Ruby Hope Long 7/29/1922 12/20/2017 W of Denver
Bennie William 9/11/1914 3/25/1987 Wed  Omarie  1/17/1946
Sgt US Army  WW II
LITTLE Omarie Smith 4/11/1927 5/15/2013 Wed Bennie 1/17/1946
McDaniel Susan Glass 1859 1910 m/o Cynthia Thompson
RHYNE Amanda Jane "Janie" Marcum 12/4/1884 7/27/1903 Wed Samue;  Rhyne   10/12/1902
D of James & Mary Melissa Caudill Marcum
Grandparents are: Phillip & Mahala Asher Marcum
Sisters: Ida Pearl Marcum Jenkins, & Mildie
Brother: James    photo
RHYNE Audie 7/26/1903 8/19/1903 S of Samuel  & Janie  photo
RHYNE Francis Marion 6/26/1840 3/16/1910 photo
SMITH Daisy Mae Tucker 1/10/1944 7/8/2012  
SPRINGER Baby 10/1/1923 10/1/1923  
T T      
Thompson Burl 10/11/1895 3/21/1935 H of Donnie
Thompson Cynthia Worthington 2/10/1875 2/5/1963 W of Winfield
Thompson Donnie Smith 11/15/1897 12/131986 W of Burl
James 10/30/1920 7/19/2008 Wed Vonciel  5/20/1941
Sgt US Army
Thompson Mack 1/27/1894 11/13/1969 Wed Minnie 23 Nov 1913
Thompson Minnie Lee Shipman 7/16/1896 4/7/1985 Wed Mack  23 Nov 1913
N Y 1/1/1926 10/6/ 2001 Wed Wilda  1/3/1950
Cpl US Army  WW II
Thompson Ronnie James 6/8/1946 11/9/2013  
Thompson Sidney 11/25/1942 11/25/1942 S of Mark & Connie
Thompson Vonciel Couch 10/30/1919 9/4/2006 Wed James 5/20/1941
Thompson Wilda Mae Lankford 1932 2014 Wed  N. Y. 1/3/1950
Thompson Willis Clayton 4/18/1900 8/10/1965  
Thompson Winfield C "WC" 1/25/1873 1/1/1942 H of Cynthia
TIDWELL Charles A 9/25/1906 9/25/1908  
TIDWELL Florence 12/13/1912 3/19/1913 D of J W & Ida
TIDWELL Frank J 1/11/1883 2/25/1920  
TIDWELL J F 1/10/1852 1/28/1909  
TIDWELL Mary M 3/3/1904 10/23/1905  
TIDWELL Sidney A 12/9/1876 2/14/1913  
TISDALE George Robert 7/24/1863 7/4/1958 H of Sarah
TISDALE Jack Ran Jr 6/6/1930 6/7/1930 S of Jack R & Virgie
TISDALE Jack Ran 3/3/1911 6/4/1969 Wed Virgie 3/1/1930
TISDALE Maudie 6/4/1906 6/19/1907 D of George & Sarah
TISDALE Minnie 2/8/1904 2/29/1904 D of George & Sarah
TISDALE Sarah Victoria "Sallie" Lawson 4/26/1873 9/29/1960 W of George
TISDALE Virgie Mae Little 3/16/1909 11/1/1997 Wed Jack Ran   3/1/1930
D of William & Eliza Isabell (Turner) Little
WILSON Benjamin Ovey 5/9/1910 10/23/1915 S of J. B & C. B. Wilson
WYRICK Andrew James 1850 1930 Handmade Stone

This page updated:Wednesday, 08-Jan-2025 20:54:24 UTC

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