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Bethany Cemetery
Atoka, Atoka County, Oklahoma
© Ruth Atteberry Adams & Area Coordinators

To reach the Bethany Cemetery, go 1 1/2 miles east of the stoplight on Court & Mississippi Streets in Atoka to the Forest Hill Road. Turn south and go 5 1/2 miles to the General Assembly (Church of the First Born) Church and turn west .3 mile. The cemetery is on the south side of the road. It is enclosed by a chain-link fence, is well kept, and is still an active burial place. The first grave dated here is 1904.

If you have family buried in the Bethany Cemetery or can take a gate photo or have obits (with newspapers permission or an obit that you can write) or tombstone photos or individual portraits or can write a short bio or have a history of the cemetery and would like to add your information to this website, contact the area coordinator for more information. You can also check out our How to Submit page.
NOTICE. If you submit information to this website and change your e-mail address please notify the area coordinator with the county/cemetery and new e-mail address so we can keep our pages as up to date as possible.






Ashby Bailey Eathan 4/26/2002 4/26/2002 S of Tom & Vanessa
Baker Hattie   May 1917  
Baldwin Clarence H 3/29/1902 10/16/1978  
Baldwin Florence Jane Cooksey 6/4/1903 Feb 1985 W of William
Baldwin William Andrew 5/17/1891 1/15/1964 H of Florence
Bayles Walter 5/16/1908 7/13/1975 H of Lillie Campbell
Bear Ricky Lee 2/1/1980 10/9/2015  
Blann Infant Son 1/18/1934 1/18/1934 S of John & Ruby
Blann John Braxton 2/28/1907 10/14/1993 H of Ruby
Blann Lynn 1/8/1915 May 1926  
Blann Ruby Lee Thompson 4/8/1914 12/12/1990 W of John
Briels Beverly Joan 9/22/1944 3/2/2006  
Brown Le Ann Cooksey 2/18/1979 1/18/2018  
Burton Vanessa Kay "Katy" Eldridge 9/15/1971 12/15/2007  
Campbell Lillie Mae Francis  Blanchard [Hicks] [Henderson] [Bayles] 12/27/1903 10/22/1994 D Joseph & Lizzie "Bullard" Blanchard
W of Mike Hicks
W of Paul Henderson
Wed Walter Bayles 10/18/1949
W of ??? Campbell
Campbell Rachel Erin 1/16/1986 6/12/2010  
Carey Don Edwin 8/7/1952 1/26/2010 Wed Carlotta 6/9/1973
Carey Edgar D 3/23/1953 2/21/1960 Son
Carey Frankie Inez 12/30/1933 10/20/1975 Wed Jesse 8/25/1948
Carey James Andrew Jr 11/20/1926 Aug 2020 Wed Nina 9/27/1947
Carey Janet E 1/8/1951 8/4/1963 Daughter
Carey Jesse Merriott 6/24/1929 6/6/1963 Wed Frankie 8/25/1948
Carey Larry D 8/27/1949 3/24/1968 Son
Carey Leslie Terry 6/25/1956 4/20/2017  
Carey Nina Mae "Beatrice" Williams 3/28/1930 7/3/1987 Wed James Jr 9/27/1947
Carter Freida Louise Williams 1945 2000  
Carter Gerald Albert 9/3/1975 6/17/1996  
Chavers B E 9/24/1907 9/26/1907  
Chavers Bessie L Hamm 4/1/1920 10/4/2012 Wed Thomas 6/4/1960
Chavers Columbus "Jewell" 8/15/1908 9/6/1979 H of Mona J  45 years
Chavers David Hickman"D H" 8/6/1884 1/22/1968  
Chavers Gene Eldon 9/8/1935 6/22/1993 H of Shirley Lewis;
S of Columbus & Mona
Chavers Johnnie M 5/17/1891 12/14/1959 W of Robert
Chavers Mona Juanita "Magby" 4/10/1910 9/24/2000 W of Columbus  45 years
Chavers Pearl A 2/17/1897 2/14/1979  
Chavers Robert H 8/6/1884 5/7/1961 H of Johnnie
Chavers Thomas H "Tom" 5/5/1915 3/31/1982 Wed Bessie 6/4/1960
Chubbee Zelzy 12/27/1914 4/10/1915  
Cooksey Carroll Gean 7/8/1957 9/14/2021 Wed Verna 3/26/1976
Charles David 5/3/1896 3/6/1963 H of Elizabeth
TX Pvt Co B, 168th Inf
Cooksey Clarence Delbert 6/17/1940 12/8/1973  
Cooksey Edward David 1/24/1922 6/20/1989  
Cooksey Elizabeth Jane "Lizzie" Henderson 4/27/1903 10/3/1968 W of Charles
Harold Dean Sr 12/20/1930 1/14/2021 US Army  Korea
Wed Jewel 6/18/1955
Cooksey Jewel Lucille Drain 10/19/1935 12/9/1986 Wed Harold 6/18/1955
Cooksey Raymond Carl 12/30/1935 4/5/1991  
Cooksey Sheena Louise 1/6/1954 1/10/1954 Handmade Stone
Cooksey Verna Lynn Reeves 5/13/1956 11/30/2007 Wed Carroll 3/26/1976
Coslow George I 12/27/1880 8/15/1966 Funeral Home Marker
Couch Elizabeth Frances Cooksey 9/15/1920 11/4/1992 W of Rufus
Couch Rufus A 8/14/1910 2/8/1982 H of Elizabeth
Couch Ryan Allen 1/4/1980 1/4/1980  
Aaron 8/26/1928 10/15/1978 Cpl US Army  Korea
Wed Gladys 3/22/1952
Crittenden Gladys Virginia Lawrence 10/11/1931 3/5/2016 Wed Aaron 3/22/1952
Crittenden Steven D 12/5/1953 10/10/2008  
Cruse Frank Harry "Bo" 10/8/1951 8/18/2004  
Harry 8/23/1920 6/14/2000 S of Frank & Julia
H of Maudie
Pvt US Army  WW  II
Cruse Maudie Bell Meely 5/27/1922 5/10/2006 W of Harry
Culley Larkin 5/25/1898 Oct 1974 Atoka Funeral Home Marker
Dandridge C Z Reona 1872 1953  
Claude A 1926 1978 h/o Dellar; Double Stone;
Davis Dellar     Mama; w/o Claude A.; Double Stone
Davis Infant Daughter 3/19/1953 3/19/1953 D of Claude
Joe 4/9/1921 12/13/1958 OK Pvt US Army WW  II
Davis LeRoy 1919 1937  
Davis Rueban A 1915 1936  
Earnst G. L. J.     Son E. W.; Illegible handmade stone
Elliott Barbara Ellen Garveston 6/20/1934 10/27/2021 Wed Chester 12/1/1949
Elliott Chester Arthur "Art" 5/31/1927 4/15/2011 Wed Barbara 12/1/1949
Fincher Esther Lee Henderson 2/12/1927 8/7/1993 Wed James 9/5/1952
Fincher James Wesley "Bo" 11/18/1928 8/11/ 2000 Wed Esther 9/5/1952
Furr Henry Smith 9/9/1935 Apr 1989  
Furr Julia E Shults 1/30/1897 10/19/1971 W of William
William Franklin 1/6/1893 1/4/1977 Pvt US ArmyWW  I
H of Julia
Ethern Lee 3/19/1893 Nov 1978 WAGR US Army WW   I
H of Violet
Garveston Violet Melvina Skinner 1900 1969 W of Ethern
Gibson Willie 2/2/1903 5/27/1919  
Haddon Roxie Phyllis Capes 1/29/1929 4/13/2005  
Henderson Albert Wayne 1/19/1941 1/23/1941  
Henderson Anita L 11/25/1945 7/29/1978  
Henderson Baby Boy 1970 1970 Funeral Home Marker
Henderson Bertie Jewel 6/8/1929 Jun 1931  
Henderson Delbert Dean 1/19/1941 1/24/1941  
Henderson Della Fannie Cooksey [Hamm] [Wardrip] 4/19/1910 9/19/1997 D of John Thomas and Emily Belle "Gabriel" Cooksey
Wed Julius Henderson 7/16/1979
W of Dock Henderson
Henderson Delsie Faye Elliott 1931 1991 W of Jimmie
Henderson Dock D 11/22/1901 8/23/1967 H of Della
Henderson Edgar Leon 10/24/1964 7/6/1999  
Henderson Elton Gene 12/9/1953 10/13/2018  
Henderson Emily Pauline 1/12/1937 4/25/1937  
Henderson Grandville Eugene 1/8/1931 Nov 1932  
Jerry Wayne 8/24/1931 11/16/2017 US Army Korea
Wed Merle 5/31/1952
Jimmie Gene 2/14/1929 1/22/2009 H of Delsie
US Army
Henderson John Samuel 1/19/1909 5/25/1977 Uncle
Henderson Johnnie Ray 5/27/1939 12/9/2014 Wed Virgie 11/29/1957
Henderson Julius Gilluard "Jude" 4/15/1898 12/22/1996 Wed Lillie Cooksey 9/17/1925
Wed Nannie Walker 11/27/1972
Wed Della Cooksey 7/15/1979
Henderson Lillie Bell Cooksey 12/7/1908 8/3/ 1971 Wed Julius  9/17/1925
Henderson Linda Delois 7/22/1948 1/14/1987  
Henderson Marvin Dean 7/31/1941 4/29/2015 Wed Mary 11/16/1981 
Henderson Mary Morris 4/25/1945 8/2/2018 Wed Marvin 11/16/1981
Henderson Merle V Ogle 4/17/1934 8/13/2020 Wed Jerry 5/31/1952
Henderson Paul Lafayette 3/14/1861 10/12/1949 H of Lillie Blanchard
Henderson Roger D 5/19/1948 7/11/1981  
Henderson Virgie Marlene Thornton 1/15/194 2/1/2018 Wed Johnnie 11/29/1957
Buddy Charles 3/5/1936 3/8/1985 Pvt US Army
Hicks David Edward 6/27/1955 3/15/2013 Wed 12/5/1980
Hicks Edna Marie 4/7/1956 9/1/1956 D of Joseph D
Hicks Gaytha Lynne Crittenden 1/16/1960 3/3/ 2016 Obit
Hicks James Ishmel 4/29/1921 9/7/1969  
Hicks Joseph Daniel "Joe" 1/6/1926 4/24/2006  
Hicks Joseph Mike 5/14/1948 6/27/1995 s/o Joseph Daniel and Kathamae "Hamlin" Hicks   Obit
Hicks Lillie Mae Francis Blanchard (Henderson) (Bayles) (Campbell) 12/27/1903 10/22/1994 Campbell
D Joseph & Lizzie "Bullard" Blanchard
W of Mike Hicks
W of Paul Henderson
Wed Walter Bayles 10/18/1949
W of ??? Campbell
Hicks Mike 5/16/1873 11/7/1937 H of Lillie Blanchard
Himes Flossie Marie Bowles 1907 1999 d/o James Alonzo and Mildred Maybelle "Edwards" Bowles
Himes Samuel Dean 7/8/1986 6/1/1988  
Hodges Jesse J 1892 1931  
Hodges Nora Belle Butler Dec 1872 1945  
Hodges Roy L 1904 1951  
Hodges Shelt 1870 1929  
Jackson Bobbie S 1935 1936  
Jackson Caramel 1/6/1921 11/8/1922 D of E & Jessie Jackson; #1 Jackson Fenced Plot
Jackson Edmund 5/3/1888 8/1/1974 #1 Jackson Fenced Plot
H of Jessie
Ellis D 7/4/1915 10/8/1991 Pvt US Army  WW  II
Jackson Folsom C 3/15/1884 3/11/1924 #2 Jackson Fenced Plot; #2 Jackson Plot contains 8 unmarked graves
H of Mattie
Jackson Frona 1896 Jan 1904 D of Robert & Elizabeth
Hayden Linebaugh 5/1/1911 12/30/ 1977 #2 Jackson Fenced Plot
James S 3/30/1920 6/9/2003 PFC US Army  WW  II
Jackson Jessie 1/29/1890 8/21/1922 #1 Jackson Fenced Plot
W of Edmund
Jackson Lamar H 2/15/1886 4/11/1943 #2 Jackson Fenced Plot
Jackson Mattie Bell 7/30/1885 10/23/1951 W of Folsom
Jackson Quanda Madge 5/27/1916 6/6/1927 #1 Jackson Fenced Plot
Jackson Robert "Bob" 9/1/1873 9/11/1910 H of Amada
Jackson Stella Virginia 11/12/1929 7/11/1931 #2 Jackson Fenced Plot
Edward William 7/16/1929 3/6/1997 PFC US Army
Keeler Gary Dwayne 11/30/1950 9/17/2022  
Lewis B M      
Lewis Bessie Homer 5/18/1915 1/7/1919 D of Smith & Julia
Lewis Catherine 10/21/1930 1/26/1990  
Lewis Hattie 1/16/1919 1/16/1919 D of Smith & Julia
Lewis Hilda Fay 10/29/1946 4/28/2017  
Lewis Nannie 6/28/1913 10/25/1997  
Lewis Otis L 1927 1968  
Lewis Raymond 4/8/1917 12/8/1918 S of Smith & Julia
Lewis Sina 2/16/1908 2/13/1988  
McAfee James 1937 1991 H of Mary
McAfee Mary Ellen Couch 1940 11/11/2008 W of James
Thomas Aquintas 1/23/1949 6/16/2022 US Marine Corps
Morrison Brenda Dianne Williams (Finch) 5/15/1957 1/15/2013 W of Prentis Finch
W of Joe Morrison
Morrison Travis Lee 10/30/1981 5/9/2011  
Mosley Lillie Mae Dillard 10/9/1935 12/11/2012  
Perry Lloyd Wayne Sr 10/25/1940 3/4/2002  
Peruchieti Don 11/11/1898 6/23/1981  
Pound Nancy Louise Pool 12/5/1854 1918 D of Thomas & Mary Pool
Wed Newman 4/15/1888
Rev Newman Lafayette 6/10/1847 1918 S of Richard & Patsy Pound
Wed Nancy 4/15/1888
CSA Arkansas Inf
Pound Rev Paul Oscar 8/4/1895 10/10/1970  
Powell James Lester 4/23/1940 9/21/2009 Wed Artie  12/26/1960
Prewett Clemie Jasper 3/10/1940 11/29/2018 H of Evelyn
Prewett Evelyn Mae Hammock 9/22/1941 1/2/1977  
Prewett Karen Lynn 7/28/1961 10/28/2007  
Prewett Lydia Mae Henderson 11/23/1906 3/17/1963  
Rackley Gertie Arabelle 4/21/1916 12/31/1944  
Ripley Dixon 10/6/1977 6/7/1915  
Roberts Carrie Carol Jacobs 4/11/1919 3/27/1995 Wed Herman 12/23/1937
Roberts Herman John 5/3/1919 5/4/2010 Wed Carrie 12/23/1937
Roberts Kenneth E "Kenny"" 10/11/1950 6/19/1984  
James M 1846 4/14/1916 Co M 2nd MO Cav
Union Soldier
Robinson Sarah Jefferson Dooley 9/5/1862 1916 Handmade Stone; w/o Smith B. Robinson
Rogers Flora May Kitha James (Haddon) 10/9/1952 1/21/2014  
Schner Louise 9/12/1890 3/11/1981  
Scott Clarence Oliver 10/13/1919 9/4/1936  
Scott David B 3/3/1887 7/3/1963  
Scott Marsha Elaine Lewis 12/7/1954 11/19/2016 Wed William J 9/22/1985
Scott Troy Wayne 5/1/1922 9/19/1941  
Scott William Francis 12/16/1885 10/25/1943  
Scott William James "Scotty" 3/22/1946 3/1/2012 Wed Marsha 9/22/1985
Sipes Clarisa 2/10/1901 9/8/1908 D of Ueal & Sally
Sipes Earl 7/30/1906 9/26/1906 S of Ueal & Sally
Sipes Grace 8/5/1913 7/11/1915 D of Ueal & Sally
Sipes Missouri 12/24/1850 10/21/1917  
Sipes Sally Melissa Belcher 11/2/1877 1/10/1923 W of Ueal E
Sipes Ueal 2/14/1897 2/1/1913 S of Ueal & Sally
Sipes Ueal Emerson 7/28/1872 12/1/1942 H of Sally
Skinner Isaac Willis 1/8/2010 1/8/2010 S of Abram & Christina
Stogner Mary 10/25/1861 2/22/1922 #1 Jackson Plot;
W of Millard
Stogner Millard F 2/26/1855 9/15/1941 #1 Jackson Plot;
H of Mary
Storey Albert F 5/9/1885 Feb 1969  
Story George 1873 Jun 1966 Coffey Funeral Home Marker
Talbot Willie Mae Furr 12/24/1931 4/18/2001  
Trent Baby Son 10/6/1906 10/29/1906 S of George & Lizzie
Trent George Washington 1869 1918  
Trent Jessie E 1911 1912  
Urabazo Karen Sue 7/7/1960 5/8/1967  
Wells Mary Pound (Scarber) 1872 1919 W of William Scarber
W of Rufus Wells
Chester David 11/7/1930 4/11/2009 Pvt 2CL US Army
Williams Arizona "Zona" 8/24/1890 1/27/1949 W of Tom
Williams Bertha Archey 12/4/1908 9/16/1987 W of Tom
Williams Betty Lou Leuty 5/29/1937 9/15/1993 D of Lester & Lola Leuty
Wed Ronnie 3/20/1955
Williams C R "Bud" 10/28/1931 5/29/1990  
Williams Edgar D "Pete" 11/10/1908 7/21/1986 H of Nina
Williams Frank D 5/15/1910 7/30/1996 Wed Johnnie 8/11/1929
Williams Johnnie Mae Nichols 10/19/1911 3/20/1959 Wed Frank 8/11/1929
Williams Leta Faye 3/29/1946 3/29/1946 Double Stone w/Lonnie Doyle
Williams Lonnie Doyle 3/1/1940 3/9/1942 Double Stone w/Leta
Williams Nina Leona 9/13/1911 8/24/1954 W of Edgar
Williams Norma Gean "Cookie" 12/4/1951 5/2/2009  
Williams Ronnie Ray 1/6/1937 7/18/1996 Wed Betty 3/20/1955
Williams Tom 1/28/1888 12/14/1961 H of Arizona
H of Bertha Archey
Williams Tommy 1/23/1951 12/13/1975  

This page updated:Wednesday, 08-Jan-2025 20:54:24 UTC

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